Sunday, July 1, 2007

Time difference

Thank you all for posting (This is Mike btw). It makes us feel connected to all of our friends and family all over the world. You had a question about the time difference, it is 14 hours ahead of everyone in MST. That means when we get Nina 'Bobo' at 10 am this morning (Monday) it will 8 pm on Sunday night for those of you back home. We appreciate all your prayers, thoughts and comments. We are not sure how Nina will react to everything. We do know that she has received one of our packages already, so hopefully she will know that a family is coming to get her. However, we know that she will be scared.

That being said, how much can a three year old understand about about being adopted? It means leaving everything that she has known to this point in her life. Leaving familar surroundings, smelling new things, hearing new voices, new language, seeing strange people, riding in a car, flying in a plane not to mention a hundred other things. These are all new experiences for her. I think that I would be a little more than scared. We have been praying for this day for some time and I know that it is no accident or coincidence that we are here and Nina is the girl that will be part of our lives going forward. Won't always be easy, but it is the right thing. Thank you again for reading! We will definitely have pictures by the time you wake up in the morning. - Mike


Brandee said...

We are so excited for you and are praying that Nina BoBo feels peace when she is with you.

thanks for the time update, because we were confused.

We love you and miss you...and most of all pray all goes well!
the Maus

Anonymous said...

Thank you for helping us out w/ that. :)
Time is drawing near - what a wealth of emotions you all must be experiencing. :)

Love ya's!!

Linda said...

I am so excited and have been thinking and praying for you often these past few days. Toddler adoptions can be difficult, but they really do come around in a short amount of time by showing interest in what you are doing and loving the new found attention. It really will not take her long to love the both of you. I have no doubt that she will love the kids right away - kids really like other kids! It is so neat to realize that in 10-15 minutes, she will be in your arms!!
~Linda Shoemate

Buffi Young said...

Nina will be just fine!!! We know that it will be normal for her to experience those emotions...but the Lord is preparing her and there are things He can do in her heart that only He can do. We are praying for a smooth transition and a connection with you guys!! Hang in will be an adjustment...but God will work all of you through it!! He is SO faithful and He will never leave us hanging!!! We're praying and can't wait to see your pictures in the morning!!!

Brandee said...

It's 10:40 here, so I know that you have had Nina BoBo with you for over 2 hours. what a blessing she is! I'm all teary eyed, thinking about your meeting and how it must feel to finally hold her in your arms. Love you guys,
p.s. the kiddos didn't hear the phone ring at grandma's and we are going to Rapid tomorrow (at noon) to get the 'wrinkled trailer', so the usual cell phones for contact....