Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ready to go

Allright dear friends, this is it - we will be leaving for the airport shortly. Well, as soon as we can get the little boys out of bed, that is ;-))
See you in China!


yyymom said...

Barb and Mike,
Many thoughts and prayers are with you as you begin this very exciting part of your adoption journey! Patience, flexibility, and faith will be very important during your stay in China. Love this blog...thanks for sharing! Wendy

Keating Mom said...

Have a great trip! I'll be praying for safety and good transitions, etc.! Can't wait to read all about it! We're exactly 2 weeks behind ya!!
Jeanie (from the March snDTC group)

Journey to Lilly! said...

Barb, I have just found your blog from the Ferril's blog. I too am adopting in China & will be leaving July 17, just after you get home. If it's o.k. I will follow along on the journey....but I have to warn you I matter how hard I try not to....shed tears! You will be in our prayers!
love & blessings,
Kim Pintaro

The Ferrill's said...

How exciting, Barb!!!!!!!!!!!!!