Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I quit...

Haha, I had to make this sound dramatic.
I officially resigned from my position at the hospital today. Although I reduced my hours quite a bit this spring already, we decided it would be best if I'd stay home for now. This is an absolute first for me, as I have always worked part-time. It worked so well with my night shifts - or should I say it worked well for the kids ;-)), but things happened this past winter and spring that made it impossible for me to do it anymore. God really worked on my heart on this one and helped me accept my main responsibility as a mother more readily and happily. Not that I was a half-hearted mom, but I always took pride in and enjoyed working a little bit away from home.
My supervisor has been very gracious about my descision, and I know that the door will be open if I choose to return to the world of sleep disorders and snoring patients.
So, as of August 7th I will be a stay-at-home mom. Don't worry, I will continue with my Gourmet business as usual (well, maybe at a somewhat reduced pace as well, at least for a while), and I'm really looking forward to not having the added outside responsibilities.
We trust that God provides for our family, even with a reduced income, and we will be okay!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Barb! It is nice to have a little something part time but being a full time stay at home Mom is also great! I worked until we adopted my son three years ago and then I worked one day a week for a number of months and then I cut back to doing a few hours of paperwork at home on the weekends. I have been done with work for about a year and a half. I don't miss the work itself at all but I do miss the people occasionally. I have made lots of new friends though through MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and now my homeschooling group. Hope you enjoy your time away!
: ) Amy

Sonya said...

I did the same thing after returning from China with Katie Lin and I am soooooooooo glad I did!

