Friday, July 13, 2007

Just when you think the work is done.... is actually just beginning.
We have been interviewed, fingerprinted, screened, background checked, examined, talked to, asked to pay a lot of money, asked many more questions, requested to swear an oath about our truthfulness.
We have prayed, wondered if we were crazy, hoped, feared, cried and held on in faith.
We have a new daughter.
We are ready to go home.
Work done.


It's a new beginning. We're not coming home from this exotic vacation with good memories and a lot of pictures alone. We are going home, and our family and our lives will not be the same. This is as exciting as it is scary. How will this new blend of children work once the first excitement has worn off? Will they get along? Will they grow to love each other? Will they all feel special, no matter whether they were adopted or not? Will Nina feel like she truly belongs?
I guess I should be able to answer these questions in a few weeks, months or years, huh?

We will be leaving the hotel in just a couple of hours. We're packed and ready to go. We can't wait to see our kiddos, that's for sure. We're just not complete without them.
We're also leaving this international adoption community, that we have been a part of during the last 2 1/2 weeks. We have met some wonderful and inspiring people that we will always feel connected with.

Thank you for going on this journey with us. I will continue to update our Blog after we're home, but I may need a few days to recover and to find some sort of a routine. So please don't give up on me if there aren't any immediate entries.


Anonymous said...

thanks for writing your blog it was and still is very interesting. I hope you all have a save trip back home and I wish you all the best, lots of fun and love for your future. I am looking forward to your blog when you are all settle in and you back to "normal".
best wishes from a very rainy germany. but I heard there was a huge sand storm in Guangzhou when you all were there and a lot of flooding in changsha. did u hear anything about that?? it was on german TV! wow and i was able to imagine where that is thanks to your blog.
all the best
(neunmonate forum)

Buffi Young said...

What a blessing it has been to follow your blog. Nina will be just fine. She is going to blend into your family just as God ordained it before the foundations of this world were created!! We will continue to pray for you guys and continue to check your blog for new updates and to see just how well Nina is doing!! God bless you guys!

Musings from Kim K. said...

I have been thoroughly enjoying your journal. I look forward to reading your continued updates on Nina and your other kiddos. Safe travels home!!


Anonymous said...

Unsere Lieben Drei.
Ich habe heute morgen etwas geschrieben, finde es aber nicht mehr. Ihr seid ja jetzt auf der Heimreise, dazu wünschen wir Euch Gottes Segen, er möge Euch begleit-en. Wir sind gespannt, wie ihr zu-hause empfangen werdet und wie sich Nina auf diese neue, un- bekannte Welt einstellen kann.
Euer Telephon wird sicher heiss laufen, wir werden unsererseits noch etwas Zurückhaltung üben.
Es gibt ja auch noch Email.
liebe Grüsse vom Gunnenberg 1

The Ferrill's said...

Barb, I cannot believe this trip has come and seems so quick on my side of things. I wonder how it will seem when I'm right in the midst of it! Did it go by fast for you? I so want to savor every moment...just as you did!