Sunday, July 8, 2007

Mad-clicker girl....

For all of you who know Alex, you know what I'm talking about. If you don't know our 6 year old, then let me tell you why we call him the Mad-clicker. Alex LOVES anything electronic. He loves to play on the computer, he loves to take pictures, he loves to play video games.... you name it. We call him E-Boy too ;-))) And he just clicks his way around, and if it doesn't work, he clicks some more, and some more, and pretty soon you have 20 windows open on the Computer, and it's locked up and the settings are changed on the camera. There you have it - the mad-clicker.
Watch out, Alex, you have just met your match. Miss Nina ist just exactly like that too! We came across this chinese TV show (apparently made after a book classic) that we have no clue what it is all about, but she squealed with delight the first time she saw it. Obviously this was familiar to her. And now, every time we come back to our room, she wants to watch TV. She HAS to have the remote, and she'll click until she finds that show again (that seems to be on all the time!). She loves the camera as well, the calculator, the computer, Mike's Blackberry... watch out everyone!

*****Deutsche Version: Titel: Elektronik Fieber ******


The Ferrill's said...

that cracks me up how much she likes the clicker!

Anonymous said...

unsere Lieben im fernen China,
Wir lesen täglich Eure Berichte und freuen uns darüber, dass alles
gut abläuft. Eure Offenheit, auch über Eure Gefühle und Gedanken beeindrucken uns stark, wir lernen Babs ganz neu kennen. Ende dieser Woche kommt ihr ja wieder zurück, dann kann man Euch wieder am Telephon hören. Wir hoffen und wünschen Euch eine gute Woche mit Nina.
liebe Grüsse vom Gunnenberg