Thursday, July 5, 2007

OUR daughter...

During this adoption process and before meeting Nina there were so many unknowns and worries - and I would like to reflect on some of them.
On Monday, right before we left for the Civil Affairs Office, I grabbed one of Nina's referral pictures and put it in my neck pouch thingy. Mike asked my why I did it, and I told him, that I wanted to make sure we were getting the right child by comparing her to the picture we had of her. Somehow I feared that I would not be able to recognize her. I had myself attached to the image of the serious faced girl eating a piece of bread, and what would I do if she looked totally different? Would I know that it's her anyway? As you have been able to tell for yourself, she looks just like her referral picture, just a little bit older. So no confusion there. We definitely received the right girl. Was this such a silly thing to worry about? Truthfully - yes. BUT, the fears that I had just show the unpredictability of this process, and the feeling of "I'm at the mercy of this giant chinese organization called CCAA". Adoption IS a leap of faith, and if you are considering adopting you better anticipate lots of emotions you never had before!
We both have been wondering a lot about this one? Will we feel like we are babysitting for a while? How will our feelings towards her be compared to our biological children? I have to admit, that even though I felt connected to her since our referral, it was not a true mother-child bond. It was more a bond based on MY excitement about adopting her, MY projection of her, a bond based on my dreams and hopes for all of us. When I read of people that are sobbing when they receive their referral picture, and are exclaiming "I'm so in love with her already", I used to feel just a bit of envy. I had not felt that way. I was commited to her, I WANTED to adopt her, no doubt, but my emotions were not quite there. I was wondering if there was something wrong with me. And of course you never admit those feelings, either. It is true though - my connection to Nina was very incomplete. So yes, I did wonder about this question.
The minute this little girl in her pink and white polka dot dress walked into that room at the Civil Affais Office, the missing piece fell into place. Just like that. For the first time I felt that yearning of a mother's heart. We had come full circle.
She feels like mine.
She IS mine.
My bond is not as deep yet as with my other children, and that's okay. It will grow. It will strenghten. But it's there. It's firmly planted into my heart. It's a relief. An answered prayer. Grace. Nothing but GRACE.
Maybe this is just me: I have looked at hundreds of referral pictures and blogs over the course of the last year. I'm addicted to the Rumor Queen. And to the SN Yahoo groups. And I look at them, thinking things like "Oh, my, this child is just drop dead gorgeous!" or "Well she has a cute.... uhhh... nose". I mean, it's a fact that we are such visual people. And some kids are very cute, and some just aren't quite as cute. And referral pictures - over all - are bad. Before our referral I was hoping for a VERY CUTE child. At the same time I was worried I would make a decision based on how "cute" she is? Human, but not right. I knew that one. When we received Nina's referral, I did not think she was a particularly cute child. And I was relieved in a way, because we could make a decision that was not based on cuteness, but on faith.
Her little face grew on me. And now that we are here, I look at all the babies and children (local and adopted) that we are meeting - and there are at least 15 other adoptive families here at the Dolton) - and I think that MY daugther is the absolutely most beautiful child of them all. All of a sudden the way I look at her is not from the outside anymore, but it comes from within. Straight from a Mother's heart. She is OURS, and she is PERFECT, and she is BEAUTIFUL. And I'm so serious about it it's not even funny. God is so good!
I admit - I'm a "smelly" kind of gal. Now don't get me wrong - I don't stink (very often *haha*), but I'm kind of smell-sensitive. It was really bad when I was pregnant (still hate "Happy" by Clinique), and I can still remember the smell of certain places from when I was pregnant. I still remember the smell of my Grandpa's skin, and he died 30 years ago when I was just a little girl (wwhoops, dating myself here!), or the smell of my Mom's purse, sitting next to her in church every Sunday.
And I only like the way OUR kids smell (okay, there are a few others that have made their way into the inner circle of Smellies, but they are all related). So anticipating Nina's smell was another thing I had been wondering about. I did buy the same special lotion from Switerland that I had used on all my kids and that represents my favorite "Baby-smell". And I'm using it on her and loving it! But, she came to us clean, but with somewhat of a foreign and musty odor to her, especially her hair. And guess what? It did not bother me one bit! Now to you that might seem trivial, but to me that was HUGE. Again, she smells like MINE! What a miracle!
I feel like such a lucky Mom: I have 5 wonderful children, actually the 5 most beautiful and handsome children out there, they all smell wonderful. Fact is, they are all this to ME. Their Mama. Without reservation. I'm so blessed. And to have Mike who is my best friend and a great husband, just makes things even better.

*****Deutsche Version: Titel: Unsere Tochter *****


Sonya said...

What a BEAUTIFUL pic!


Anonymous said...

Your honestly and heart Never cease to Amaze me Barb. You are a doll!!
I hear ya on the smeller bit. I too, as well, am fussy about that - and what's even funnier about that is my kids are now the Very same way.
Well you keep up the Awesome blogging girl - you Rock!! :)


Buffi Young said...

Barb...that is a wonderful picture of Nina!!! I have to say..I have just cried after reading this post. It is wonderful to hear your thoughts. No matter what any of us say, we all have those thoughts and hang ups. It is so good to hear how they are turning out for you. What a blessing!!! Thank you for your honesty. You are a fantastic writer!! I can't wait to hear from you every day. We're thinking of you guys and praying for you!!!

The Ferrill's said...

WOW, you've addressed issues that I have thought about but never voiced. I am big time on hyper-smell all the time! I can't wait to get our children and give them a good "mama-bath" and put some fresh p.j.'s on them...I really just can't wait to get a good look at them from head to toe! I even wonder if their belly button will be an insy or outy! Crazy, I know! But I also know that it doesn't matter one you said, they will be mine!!!! The picture of Nina is absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all your thoughts and esp. thanks for being so honest! I enjoy reading your postings every single day!
Great picture of Nina, I have to say as well! :o)


Anonymous said...

liebe mike, liebi babs,
ig ha zwar nonid alli teggschte chönne läse, aber ig bi dran...fazit: wow, eifach gwaltig was bi euch abgeit! ig wünsche euch härzlichscht, dass eure elan und eure muet euch immer erhalte blibt - ig bewundere so sehr, was ihr für das süesse meitschi tüet. druck & kuss, speziell für d nina..

This too shall pass said...

Holy Cow I just love reading what you write! You have a gift with words!

As an adoptive mom I know that fears you are talking about (except the smell one...that makes me laugh!) but they are realy feelings and fears and hopes and dreams all rolled into one! But those that truly embrace the gift of adoption can only overcome the fears and embrace the child that God has given!
As you said..
"Adoption IS a leap of faith, and if you are considering adopting you better anticipate lots of emotions you never had before!"

- Michelle

Anonymous said...

"Wow"...intimate honesty...pure! You have, in a different way through very open and exposed words, just given birth to a beautiful daughter; a very special transplanted flower that will forever flourish in your beautiful family garden.

And Barb your sensitivity to smells I completely appreciate! All of my senses are on hyper-alert! Judy Combs