Sunday, July 8, 2007

And then the sun came up...

...and the beautiful little flower STARTED TO BLOSSOM.

Friends - a MIRACLE happened! It is Sunday night now, and the Emperor and his daughter are sleeping. Nina is like a new girl. It's mind boggling, amazing, and I just want to jump up and down with joy! Ever since yesterday morning things started to change, even the transition to Guangzhou didn't seem to bother her much (she probably thinks we LIVE in a hotel!). She is happy, funny, giggling and very comfortable with either Mike or I. Since coming here we have met several other families from our agency, and they have been commenting on how well adjusted Nina seems. Yeah, right, you should have seen her 2 days ago! Not sure if they believe me. She is starting to venture out on her own just a little bit more, but this time it doesn't seem like an attempt to escape. On our way home tonight she started SINGING! Well, it was more humming, but it was so precious. I could not hum along with her though, that earned me a smack in the face *sigh*, so does my attempt so say something in chinese to her! Oh well, baby steps...
Another thing that we have noticed, probably because we're super careful now to nurture her trust, that she now allows us to play games that involve some mild degree of a surpise factor or a bit of a thrill. We could not do that at first, it would scare her. Now we can start playing hide and seek, and Mike was even able to throw her in the air! Little things like that are so huge right now.
If you have been praying for us, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I see the beginning of his healing grace in her heart, and I believe the heavenly Father is smiling down on us. He will bring his plan to completion in her life.
I have to remind myself that this is not the end yet. There will be more difficult days ahead, and I know now that I'm not ready for those. But we will walk in them, holding on to the one who sees the whole picture.
He loves us so.
The following picture is from tonight. Look at that happy grin!

*****Deutsche Version: Titel: Und dann ging die Sonne auf *****


Anonymous said...

Sounds great!!! And what a cute picture!!!


The Ferrill's said...

Praise God for this breakthrough! Three steps forward for little GIANT step for Mommy and Daddy! Thank you Jesus! May Nina continue to bloom and grow!
I have the tune to Eidelweiss in my head!