Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A somber morning and forever ours...

Hi all! This morning was not an easy time for Nina BoBo. She is still a little bit sick, and I think this whole "new family" thing is starting to sink in. She definitely has a Daddy-day today - tolerates me just fine, but seeks out Daddy whenever she has a choice (no big surprise there :-) )
Right after breakfast we left to go back to the Civil Affairs Office to finalize her adoption. Logistically, it was easy: a brief interview here, pay some money. Another interview there - yes, we like her and want to adopt her - yes, we know about her special need and STILL want to adopt her - pay more money. A quick family picture, another signature, a thumbprint, more money and handing our gifts to the officials. Painless. Hot. Very hot. But for Nina, it was hard. Uncertain. Scary. She completely shut down again, and she must have been wondering if her vacation was now over, or what was going to happen to her next. What a frightening experience for a little heart. The assistant director and the nanny from the Orphanage were here again, and we were able to speak with them about BoBo. We learned more about her foster parents, a couple in their fifties, and how very sad the foster mom was when BoBo left. BoBo cried most of the way to Changsha after they picked her up, and slept for some time as well. The Goodbye between her and the Assistant director was very bittersweet, and we all had tears in our eyes. They seem to be very kind and caring people. We came back to the hotel, and she ate a little bit and has now slept for almost three hours (so have I!) I'm hearing some giggles in the background now, so maybe she feels a little bit better. We are trying to head to WalMart in a bit, and I will post more pictures later. Here is my favorite one from this morning: She is trying to twirl, but it just doesn't work well without a dress :-)) Sweet little girl!

*****deutsche Version: www.chinagirlswitzerland.blogspot.com Titel: Es ist offiziell *****


Anonymous said...

She is just so pretty, I can't take my eyes of her! Hope she will be okay and won't be too afraid during the next couple of days but she is too little to understand whats going on I guess...
Will be thinking of you!


Buffi Young said...

We pray for divine healing for Nina. The stress of events could have triggered this fever. We pray for you guys too! Hang in there. We've heard that something just clicks on the third day!! We look forward to your next post!

Mikenjane said...

Dear Nina and her forever family,

We know that these first few days can be so hard for everyone, but we wish you well as you find your balance together as a family. Patience and love do work miracles.

Good luck from another LouDi girl and her family! We wish you all the happiness in the world!

Jane, Mike, Ani and Elia XiangQuan from LouDi, spicy and beautiful