Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Me and my friends

Since our friends S and A will be leaving later today, we took some traditional "red couch" photos with their kiddos. It doesn't get much cuter than that!!
We also treated ourselves to the infamous breakfast buffet at the White Swan hotel, where most adoptive families are staying. It was very good, at the same time there is only so much you can eat ;-)), and the price was pretty steep. But at this time, it's all about the experience, right?
We want to do some more shopping, and this afternoon we will visit the pearl market. That should be interesting. Our Visa paperwork is being processed this morning (just got word that everything is okay!), and we will take our oath at the US Consulate tomorrow. As soon as we receive Nina's visa, we're officially free to go home - YEAHH!

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****Deutsche Version: www.chinagirlswitzerland.blogspot.com Titel: Freunde*****


This too shall pass said...

Barb I have goosebumps looking at these ADORABLE pictures! Look at that smile on Nina's face! She has come so far this past week. Of course you know the journey is just beginning, but she is on the right path with you and your family! And those twins! What little dolls!

I hope once you are home you will have time to keep the world posted on life at home with your 5 children! I've been addicted to your writting, your family and your journey.

Safe travels

Anonymous said...

How cute is that!!!
Great photos and the twins looks so lovely too and I have to say as well...Nina's smile is quite breath taking, she is so cute!

All the best for the rest of your journey!


The Ferrill's said...

Precious girls on the red couch!