Born on the other side of the world, and placed in our hearts . Now she is home. Before she had a name, our children lovingly referred to her as "the China girl"
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
She LOVES bubbles
We got out the bubbles this afternoon. What a hit!!!! Look for yourself!
I wonder what the peace sign means in China? Is it peace like it is here? I have seen other Chinese children do the same thing and I was just curious! I think she is so adorable, Barb! God bless yall! Love, Laine
Diese Fotos sind wirklich der absolute Hit! Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die verschiedenen "Gesichter" (Lächeln und serious face) wie auch die beiden Seitem im Herz ausdrücken. Einserseits die Freude über alles Neue, aber auch die Unsicherheit, vielleicht Traurigkeit oder Angst. Ich hoffe für Euch, dass sie sich bald ganz sicher bei Euch fühlen kann, sich auf verlassen kann und Geborgenheit erlebt. Gott helfe Euch dabei! liebe Grüsse Hanna
The adventures of our family continue long after this adoption journey has ended. For that purpose we will be starting a new Blogfor friends and family. If you would like access to this new blog, please email us at
We are an international family with roots in the USA, Switzerland, and China. We have 6 children between the ages of 8 and 14. Our youngest two daughters were adopted from China in 2007 and 2010. We live in the "Forever West" State of Wyoming, USA, where we enjoy living and celebrating our different heritage with its unique traditions.
We're nuts about God, family, Swiss Chocolate, legos, traveling, green smoothies, soccer, video games, gardening, Nutella, laptops, tapioca pudding, princesses, reading, home-made bread, potstickers, friends, and many other things that the Lord has blessed us with.
"The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most rare and beautiful of all" (Mulan)
July 2007 at home!
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
One year later
July 2, 2008
Two years later
July 2009
love will grow
do you trust me
little girl?
when your merry eyes
seemed dimmed with dreaming
do you grieve?
in their troubled depth
lie memories
of other mothers
this I know
do you trust me
little girl
realize that after me
there will be
no other mothers-
that for this human measure
of "forever"
I am yours?
trust me first
my darling...
love will grow
Grace Sandness
Looking for our travel journal?
Our travels to adopt Nina took place in June and July of 2007. Go to the archive section below, or click on the link below that reads "first travel entry".
Those are great pics! What a doll!
I wonder what the peace sign means in China? Is it peace like it is here? I have seen other Chinese children do the same thing and I was just curious! I think she is so adorable, Barb! God bless yall!
I am so glad things are going well! And that Nina BoBo is such a fiesty girl! We can't wait to meet her!
love ya!
Diese Fotos sind wirklich der absolute Hit! Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die verschiedenen "Gesichter" (Lächeln und serious face) wie auch die beiden Seitem im Herz ausdrücken. Einserseits die Freude über alles Neue, aber auch die Unsicherheit, vielleicht Traurigkeit oder Angst. Ich hoffe für Euch, dass sie sich bald ganz sicher bei Euch fühlen kann, sich auf verlassen kann und Geborgenheit erlebt. Gott helfe Euch dabei!
liebe Grüsse
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