Reason #1: I went to bed WAY too late, staying up reading adoption blogs and the Rumor Queen.
Reason #2: I'm a single Mom this week, and just dwelling on that fact makes me feel so sorry for myself, it's pathetic.
Reason #3: My new daughter is entering the terrible two's, I think. Yikes! While this is a good thing if you look at it from an emotional development standpoint, it's not as rosy from a mother's point of view. Pretty much everything these days is "NO". Not a temper tantrum kind of NO (those come separately :-) ), but just a very nonchalant NO. Nope, no way, not gonna do it.
"Nina, let's go brush your teeth"
"Nina, finish your dinner"
"Nina, time to take a nap"
You get the picture. It's not just one NO, but we seriously have our little "yes,no,yes,no,yes, no" arguments. Wow, I forgot how those feel! I have to do a serious "get down to her level and give her THE look" kind of reminder of who is in charge. I'm sure she wants to regain some control over her life and her surroundings, plus she is bossy and opinionated as is (which I love about her!), so we have some battles to fight.
Who was it again who wrote in her China reports that she was "shy and introverted"?????
Again, this leaves me with so many questions, because I can't just parent her like I did my biological children, and she does not understand all my reasoning and explaining yet.
Nurturing.... being a pushover?
Guiding her... or being too stern?
Ahhh, wisdom.
I certainly don't feel like I have it tonight.
Please pray for us, that we receive what we need. And that Nina receives what she needs.
Tomorrow will be a new day.
A day that brings changes again. God in his grace has provided a "helper" for us for the next three months. My cousin's daughter is coming to stay with us, to learn english and experience the USA.
And to help us.
It's amazing how the Lord is always providing.
I think I just answered my own question while I'm typing this.
Allright, now I'm getting all teary. I think it's time to clean up the kitchen, one more time today, and then go to bed.
Oh, and while I'm talking about cleaning the kitchen, I have to share a cute story. Elia has been such a great helper lately, doing things without being asked. This morning he had the broom, dustpan, mop and a bucket full of water out, and he said he was going to clean the kitchen. What a sweet little boy. We ended up not getting to that (surprise!), but it's definitely on the schedule for tomorrow!
Thank you for all your support and your comments.
You guys, my blogging friends, are the best!
Signing off with a cute picture that I took about 5 weeks ago. Brother and sister at last..
Sölli doch namal cho hälfe d'Chuchi ufruume???????? Mir stinkts, dass ihr so wit wäg sind!
Heb kei Sorge, ER isch ja bi öi, au wänn de Mike halt furt ist. ER hät gluegt, dass de Mike so lang nöd furt hät müsse ide letschte Mönet und findet, dass Du das jetzt wieder magsch verträge... Und d'Anja isch ja unterwägs und freut sich mega uf öi. Han ihre no d'Föteli zeigt zur IIstimmig. Mir wünsched öi ganz en guete Start mitenand!
liebi Grüess
Hanna & Co.
Oh Barb! I'm praying for you. Sadie tried the "no" thing...I know where you are and will be praying for this new stage and transition. Your posts are such a blessing!! Thank you for your honesty! It helps me know I'm not the only one going through this stuff!! I hope you had a restful evening!!
Hi Barb,
Those bad days can sure be bad! We had one last Wednesday and it was really tough. Our reports also said that Susu was shy and introverted and then one report way back when said she was extroverted. Susu has loved having company at our house and has been shy for about one minute. She loves going places as well and doesn't seem to be bothered with strangers like her reports said. This has really confused me! It is such a mystery (those years we missed and what really went on). I will say a prayer for parenting wisdom for you which is the prayer I pray for myself so often! Thanks goodness we don't have to do this on our own!
I can so get sucked into the blog world so I know what you mean about being up too late reading online!
I had a NO NO NO NO day with Katie Lin today!
Okay, now try having a "no day" with an 8 year old who sometimes (oftentimes ?) acts like a toddler. Yes, the lovely Joanna is trying out her new limits, and there are many nights that I go to bed thinking `what have I done?' In the back of my mind I know things really will be better before too long, but for now... I will certainly pray for you and ask that you pray for me as well :) Thanks! You are such an encouragement!
BTW, Joanna was listed as an OUTRAVERT on her CCAA paperwork. Too funny!
Hang in there my online friend. I'm not looking forward to the "no" stage again. I'm continually amazed with all you juggle in your growing family.
Take care,
Kim K.
Oh, I had a no day with Quan yesterday! I know exactly how exasperated you felt...
Congratulations on getting a helper! What a blessing! Send her my way when you're done with her! :)
We'll take her to the beach! :)
Thank the Lord for His mercies everyday! You are a wonderful mother, Barb!
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