Monday, October 22, 2007

Brothers, oh brothers....

Oh, those brothers.... they love to tease their little sister. And she doesn't mind. She adores big brother Nico, and loves to play with Elia. Those two are home during the day too, and they have all kinds of ideas for Nina. First they decided that she would look good in a ponytail-mohawk. And off they went to get the styling neccessaties (sp??). Then she had a photo appointment so everyone would remember the hair-art.

Then.... after Nina went down for her nap, they got busy in the garage. Aren't empty card board boxes the best????


Buffi Young said...

How fun!!! They did a "terrific" job on Nina's hair. She looked like she was really enjoying it! :) The boys and their bikes looked fun too!! What would we do without boys?!?! Thanks for sharing!!

Sonya said...


Hanna said...

Ich glaub, die Video's zeig ich mine Boys nöd...... Zum Glück hämmir erscht grad Kartonsammlig gha - es gseht so megacool us!

Musings from Kim K. said...

You know how much my family enjoys cardboard boxes too...hee hee.

Nina's hair looks fabulous as always. I can't wait for my Emma to be able to style her sister's hair someday.
