Friday, October 19, 2007

Black, Red and Blonde....

Last night, Nina met cousin Emma (and her Mom ;-)) ) for the first time. The three little cousins did pretty well together. Overall, Nina - while bossy - tries to stay out of conflicts.
I could hardly wait to get a picture of those three little girls, because of their very different coloring, as you can see.
Nina was three in February, Emma (the little redhead) will be three in November, and Lena (the little blondie) will be three next March.


Buffi Young said...

HOW ADORABLE!!!! These three little girls look so cute together!!! They should do a professional photo shoot!! I love it!!! Nina looks really tall, is she? Also, I noticed that Nina's hair grows forward, in front of her ear, like Sadie's does. It's wild the way Sadie's is growing. I can't get it pulled up in pigtails yet...But I look forward to being able to do it! Nina's looks so cute!! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures!! I love them!

Sonya said...


Hanna said...

Sooo süessi Wiiber! Fotoshooting with Kami wäre wohl toll -bin gespannt auf das Resultat...