Thursday, October 11, 2007

A bitter(sweet) Goodbye

The day came too fast.
Today, Hanna and Kaya went back home. We had such a good time! When you're continents apart, it's sometimes hard to maintain the closeness sisters "should" have. Our lifes are so similar and yet so different, and we can't really share any everyday events with each other. That's why it was that much more special for her to be here, especially since she only had one of her kiddos to tend to. Gosh, I have done way too much shopping though over the past few days ;-)))
And this is how you know your sister loves you....

This was at Nico's final soccer game last weekend! Brrrrrr!

And this picture is from Nico's Birthday bash...

Danke, Bruno und Moritz und Rico und Joel, dass ihr eure Frauen habt ziehen lassen!


Musings from Kim K. said...

I can't imagine having my sister so far away. It looks like the two of you made the best of your precious time together. I love the shopping reference!! Have a good weekend.

Kim K.

Linda said...

What a neat picture - this is one to treasure! I talk to my youngest sister almost daily and can't imagine not having her just a phone call away. Your long distance makes me feel very sad for you. I hope the next few days aren't too awfully lonely.

The Ferrill's said...

Barb, I am so glad you got to spend some good time with your sister! It definitely must be hard to be so far apart! She was a trooper in the cold weather!

Christy said...

I am sad to see her go but it is amazing that you have such a great relationship with your sister. I think many would envy your relationship. I found your blog after you posted on my blog and I have enjoyed looking through your history. Love your miracle baby and your beautiful China girl!! You have a beautiful family!!

Christy :)