Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I give up...

I really, really, really wanted to capture Nina's new words every week to see how she progresses. The first time it was still pretty easy. But now it's impossible to remember everything she says, because her vocabulary is just exploding.
Yep, I'm a proud Mama.
Her pronounciation is not perfect by any means, and I'm sure that's perfectly normal, but she can get her point across pretty darn well. She is using more and more 2 - 3 word sentences like "Go see Daddy" or "more please apple", "come here, Nico" (or any other name), or "no go sleeping". This little girl continues to amaze me! I'm really thinking about starting to teach her Swiss German too, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. If anyone has any experience with raising a bilingual adopted toddler, I would love to hear about it!
It also seems like she understands so much already! Her little brain must be on constant overdrive learning all this new stuff! No wonder she's asleep in 2 seconds if she doesn't nap.
Which brings me to a different issue.... we have absolutely NO schedule. It drives me crazy! If she naps, even if it's just for a short time, she doesn't go to sleep until 10pm. THAT doesn't work, although the cuddling on the couch is awfully cute! If she doesn't nap, she tends to get very cranky later on in the afternoon, or just ends up falling asleep at 4 or 5pm, and then we're back to scenario 1. I just haven't figured out what the best solution for everyone involved is.
But hey, it's okay, isn't it? Everything is still so new, and she is happy and amazingly well adjusted, so that's the most important, right? Wow, that was quite a self-pep-talk *ha*.
Anyway, I totally got off the subject here, but oh well. I read my posts from our time in China the other day, and there were so many things I had already forgotten. I'm so glad I wrote them down, so my ramblings now may mean something someday!!
Good night out there!
God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good!


Hanna said...

Nur schon Deine Gedanken, ihr SwissGerman zu lernen finde ich absolut GRANDIOS! Wow! Ich helfe Dir gerne - mein Englisch ist einfach zu schlecht, um mit Euch so zu reden!
Love you all!

Hanna said...
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The Ferrill's said...

Ramble on, friend! This is your scrapbook, remember? That's what I tell myself anyway! Way to go Nina on your vocabulary you little smartie pie!

Judi said...

Yes, you can totally start speaking Swiss-German to her. It'll take her a while to separate the two languages in her mind but it's great to start her now. I know a three yr old who speaks French, Japanese and English. She didn't start speaking at all until she was two and a half, so it takes time. Goog job for thinking of doing this, Mom! Your daughter is SO beautiful!