Tuesday, August 14, 2007

14 years

Yesterday was our "official" anniversary, and 14 years ago today we were married in our church in Bern, Switzerland.
14 years!!!
The 14th is kind of a "magic" number for us, as we started dating on June 14th, got engaged on Feb. 14th the following year and married on the 14th of August of the same year. And now it's been 14 years.
We are just shaking our heads in disbelief.... no way did we picture ourselves with five children 14 years ago, and here we are, blessed beyond our wildest imagination!
The nice thing is, I would marry Mike again in a heartbeat. It is such a God thing how we complement each other.
HE - the free spirited dreamer, outgoing, always "on the move", supportive, loving, super-Dad kind of guy...
ME - the more introverted, organized, efficient, loving-to-cook-and-bake-for-everyone kind of gal...

We have both changed over the years - I have gotten more adventurous and he has gotten more grounded - but we remain an awesome team.
The kids know our differences too - if you want a Slushy, ask Daddy. If you want to go sledding or swimming, Mama is the better bet.

"Our" verse for our wedding was this:
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up.... though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.
(Ecc. 4)

So, so true.

Has it always been easy? I would be lying if I said it has.... we've gone through difficult transitions (moving on the other side of the world would be the most dramatic one for me), we've gone through the heartbreak of infertility, scraping by on a student's salary, dealing with the - of course unexpected- disabilities in our son or travelling to China to adopt our daughter, just to name a few. But the Lord has been gracious, and we have come out of these situations stronger, more united.

Mike, I love you! Now more than 14 years ago!

I will try to post one of our wedding pictures, but I'll have Mike scan one in first (Can you believe that I'm almost sure that I have lost all the negatives of our wedding pictures???). So for now I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures of the two of us. It was taken last year, and it was also part of our dossier.


Kimberly and Jonathan said...

I have so enjoyed reading your blog. You have a precious family and Nina is adorable. I still watch the video of the older children teaching her to say Jesus is our Saviour many times a day.
Congratulations on 14 great years. May God continue to bless your marriage and your family. I like that picture of ya'll too. You both look very happy.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and happy anniversary!! Your blog is one of the first I turn to each day.

Best wishes and God's blessings,
Kim Kenward

Buffi Young said...

Congrats!!! What a wonderful couple. We got married 13 years ago...Wow!!! We're close to each other. Isn't it great how the Lord just knows how to balance us out with each other?!?

It was great to talk to you the other day! I hope to do it again soon!!! Have a great weekend! Bless you guys!

The Ferrill's said...

How sweet Barb. I love your verse for your marriage. And the pic of you both is AWESOME! Our 14 is this Sept.! You're making me want to go hug my husband!
I think I will!
P.S. Did you get my Tastefully Sinful order? ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and happy anniversary!

All the best for you guys always,
Yvonne & family

emnijo said...

Congratulations! I read your blog akmost every day and I get the feeling that I somehow get to know you better each day ;-) Especially as I read your verse for your marriage, we chose the same one 6 years ago and we are still happy, too, so I hope for the next years to stay that way.
Keep on "blogging" and living your happy life with all of your children.
Best wishes, Nicole (ungeduldige vom Quali-Forum)

Sonya said...

Happy 14th! That is the sweetest post!


Hanna said...

Was für es Süüüüeeessses Päärli! Tja, man verändert sich im Laufe der Jahre. Mir ist letzthin ein Hochzeitsfoto von Euch mit allen unseren Geschwistern in die Hand gekommen und ich habe mich wirklich darüber gefreut! Zum Glück ist telefonieren in die USA so viel billiger geworden, dass wir dies ohne zu überlegen jeden Tag könn(t)en. Freue mich auf Euch - Yeah!
bis bald

Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! You and Mike are wonderfully, beautifully, suited for each other. It's extremely obvious in both the wedding picture and the one taken last year! You're a handsome couple! Judy Combs