Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another Nina picture *revised*

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I cannot upload any pictures to the side bar. And it drives me crazy!!
So, here is one that I tried to add as a "permanent" one, but blogger won't let me *cry*

****Update: IT WORKED!! You can see the picture on the left now, it is the b/w one with the August 2007 caption!*****

(The secret seems to be that I can do it on the PC, but not on the Mac.... go figure!)


Buffi Young said...

She is such a beautiful girl!!!! Great picture. Why can't you load pictures to the side bar? Let us know if we can help at all!!! Have a great weekend!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

that is such a cute pic. i just looked at the pictures u took the day "u got her" and i think she looks sooo happy now and i am pretty sure she is. her whole face is just shining now. wow what a difference to july. and it has only been a month and a half.
all the best from germany

The Ferrill's said...

Very cute picture! Very beautiful girl!