Sunday, September 9, 2007

I do

Yesterday, my very, very special niece Dina got married. Five years ago, Dina came to live with us for 10 months. Her and I had this special little bond going ever since she was a little girl, and I see a lot of her when I look at Anya.
Due to Nina's adoption I wasn't able to fly to Switzerland to attend her wedding, and that has been really, really hard. I SO wish I could have been there to share this day with her.
My sister had "orders" to send me pictures right away. Oh boy, did she deliver! Thank you, Hanna!
Dina, I love you!


Hanna said...

We missed you really in Switzerland!
Viele haben nach Dir gefragt, und ich habe mich immer mit deinem Auftrag gerechtfertigt, dass ich überall Fotos machte.... Viele liebe Leute waren da: Mama/John, SigiMoni, Bräkers,ChriguRaffiTobi, HöisiTwins, viiele Chäuers, AlexUrsle, FränziBeat, MichuBeatrice, AschiHeidi, StefanVerena ... . Wir haben den Nachmittag mega genossen. Es war ein wunderschöner Ort der Trauung, ein gesegneter Gottesdienst, ein toller Ort für den Apero. Tonnenweise megafeine Sandwiches und Crepes. und ein wunderschönes, obermegaverliebtes Brautpaar!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your niece and husband!

Beautiful couple, thanks for sharing.


The Ferrill's said...

Beautiful! I too have a special niece who spends time with us each year...I know how hard it must have been to miss her wedding! You were where you were needed most, though!

Buffi Young said...

I know you are so glad that they got you pictures right away! She is a very beautiful bride!! Maybe the new couple can come and visit you guys and meet Nina! I know you must miss her very much!