Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Something just HAD to happen.... that little Kindergartener :-))
Well, when the boys got off the bus this afternoon, there was no sign of Elia anywhere.
OH -OH!!!
Where was he? Nico and Alex said they saw him in the bus line. The bus driver even went to the back of the bus and checked for him everywhere. Nope, not there!
I called the school, and they called the bus garage, and they paged the other bus drivers, and they finally found him. Somehow he ended up getting on the wrong bus.
I have to say, I was not worried about him being on the wrong bus. He doesn't get scared very easily. What worried me is wondering if he just decided to walk home, maybe because he missed the bus??? I would so not be surprised if he'd pull something like that.
But in ended up being okay. The other bus driver brought him home at the end of his normal route, only about an hour later than anticipated.
And tonight, his eyes had that dangerous little sparkle in them when he proudly told Mike "Guess what, Daddy, I was on the wrong bus!"
Just pray for grace for that little boy.....


Sherri said...

Oh my! How were you able to hold it together?????? That feeling of "where is my child?"

I am so glad that he was okay.....and of course his eyes had that dangerous sparkle in them. Little boys are like that. That's why they are so wonderful!


Tami said...

My heart starts to beat faster just reading this story! Glad things turned out OK, and that Elia was no worse for the wear!

Buffi Young said...

I'm so proud of you Barb. I would literally be loosing it if that happened to Silas!!! SO glad he was ok and got home fine!!!! WHEW!!!!

Musings from Kim K. said...

Oh my goodness. I was on pins and needles reading your entry. I'm so relieve that everything turned out as well as it did. Whew. That's quite the bus experience. Give him an extra hug.

Linda said...

BOYS! There's never a dull moment. Sam was always doing things like this, and when he was younger, the sad part was he never even had a clue! I was always thankful that he had an older brother to take him under his wing. Maybe Nico & Alex will have to rein him in. (I really am glad that your story had a happy ending!)

Linda said...

I should have added that Sam is now in army intelligence. Now, doesn't THAT make you sleep better at night - lol!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Thank heavens neither of you were too shook!

Anonymous said...

Oh no!
I am happy he got back home safe!!!


Julie said...

The same thing happened to me in Kindergarten on the bus. I wasn't as calm as your lovely child. So glad he made it home.