Monday, August 4, 2008

The future of this blog

It's been just a little over 2 years ago since we started the journey to find our daughter.
Wow, 2 years.
I cannot imagine our family WITHOUT Nina anymore. Sometimes when people give me those curious "hmmm, why does this lady have an asian child?"glances, it strikes me as odd, just because I don't see her as THAT different anymore. Of course I'm aware that she looks nothing like me, but it so doesn't matter to me. She is my daughter. End of story.

We have done all the official steps, and tomorrow our state will recognize Nina as its "own" as well. I have been talking with her about what's happening tomorrow, and the most important thing to her is that she gets to wear something "fancy" (what more can a girl wish for :-)) ).
I told her that we will be going to the big building across the street from Daddy's office, and that they will tell us that Nina Gabriella FuBo is our kiddo forever and ever and ever! She really likes that too....

With this last requirement also comes another milestone...

I will be closing this blog pretty soon, as it has had Nina's adoption as its focus.

Don't despair...

I'm too hooked to the blogging world and love my bloggin' buddies, plus it's a great way to keep friends and family all over the world updated and "in our living room".
However, our new blog will be password protected, and anyone who would like to stay in touch through our blog, will need to get invited. How do you do that? You simply send me an email to

This new blog will not happen overnight, as I need to find someone who will come up with a cool Blog design (any suggestions??).
I also need a new NAME for the blog, and I would love to hear some fun ideas from you all!
If you know us personally, then I would just kindly ask you to refrain from any ideas that include our last name, or the city we live in, as I have been trying to protect the privacy of our family in this blog (more or less successful)

Off to bed I go, so I'll be ready to listen to the judge tomorrow, as he will remind us that Nina Gabriella FuBo is our kiddo forever and ever....


Sherri said...

Congratulations on reaching this milestone!


Sherri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hanna said...

We love your blog, we love your family and love to hear from you every day!!!
have a wonderful day!
Blog-name - Vorschläge:
mibanianalelni-Blog oder so...


Buffi Young said...

WHEW!! So glad you're going to keep on blogging. I would be having withdrawls from you guys!!!

Hey...a great place to get cute free background/layouts is at "the cutest blog" site. Here is the link.

I have a friend that did it, and it is ADORABLE. I LOVE what they have to offer. I want to switch soon.

I'm just thrilled you're going to keep blogging. It really is a great way to stay in touch with friends and family!!! If I get any good name ideas...I'll email ya!!! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Barb
I`m very happy that you`ll go on blogging! It would have been a pity if you didn`t go on blogging because I think your very talented on telling your family stories! A new name... Hanna, great suggestions! =)
At the moment I haven`t got an idea but if I have one, I`ll tell you immediatly. =)
Have a wonderful week!
Blessings, Nadi