Monday, August 25, 2008

'twas the night before school started....

... and the emotions are very mixed around here.
Nico feels "weird" going back to "regular" public school.
Anya wishes she could go back to "regular" public school (she chose to do the virtual school from home this year)
Alex is worried about finding his new classroom in the morning.
Elia is SUPER excited, eyes glowing kind of excited about starting Kindergarten tomorrow.
Nina had a complete meltdown at the school tonight (we brought supplies and met the teachers), worrying about preschool, and about who was going to be there for her and taking care of her, and was saying totally strange stuff like "but nobody is going to hold my legs", and "I'm going to get shots at my preschool" and sobbing her little eyes out. The whole madhouse atmosphere was obviously too much for her. I explained that at her school she could play and have fun and color and go on the playground and listen to stories, and that Mrs. Terrell was going to take good care of her. She calmed down some, but I sure do wonder how it's going to be next week when she starts.

Anyway, I'm not sure what to think about a new school year either. I'm glad to have a little bit more room to breathe during the day, and to have a little more structure again, but it's also sad to have the kids gone so much. I can't imagine my days without Elia, to be honest, and I really enjoyed having Nico home last year. This year will be a "girly year", and I think that will be really good for us, too!

We had a little before-school celebration with a yummy dessert before bedtime, the little boys got their hair cut (so did Daddy), their clothes are laid out, bread is baked for their lunchboxes, and they want waffles for breakfast, so the important stuff is squared away, right??
The Lord will be watching over my little warriors going out into the world tomorrow, and oh my gosh, I'm getting all teary now.....

Time to call it a post, I guess :-)

Tomorrow I will have beautiful NEW pictures, I promise!

The pictures below are from past "First days of school".
2003, and Nico's first day of KindergartenElia and Anya, the same year
2004, Anya's first day of Kindergarten, Nico in 1st grade
2005. Nico in 2nd grade, Anya in 1st grade
2006. Alex in Kindergarten, Anya in 2nd, Nico in 3rd grade.
2007. Alex in 1st, Anya in 3rd, Nico in 4th grade.


Musings from Kim K. said...

Best wishes with your fall start-up. I understand the excitement and anxiety. We're feeling it BIG time in the Kenward house too. Hugs.

Buffi Young said...

How wonderful to see the progression of pictures through the years. It really is amazing how they grow and change, isn't it? I hope that it is an amazing day and that everyone does terrific for the first day!! Sophie is ALWAYS anxious the first day...and I just don't like having to send her off when she's feeling like that. But, she always comes back just fine! This year has been great! I'm so glad! I know this year will be great for your kiddos too!!!! Can't wait for the new pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Barb
Oh yes, I really understand them, it`s always hard to start school after the summer holidays above all if you haven`t ever had school before! Funny pics with the tooth spaces =) I wish you a very nice schoolstart and a wonderful time at home, Barb =) By us the school started already two and half a week ago.
But did I understand right as you can stay at home and do the schoolwork there?

Blessings Nadi

The Ferrill's said...

Oh Barb, I love the pictures! Such sweet babies!
I'm sure once everyone gets settled into a routine things will go very smooth! And you can then take the time to publish that cake decorating book! ;) Betcha thought I'd forgot about that, huh?