Monday, June 16, 2008

Summer swimming....

Alex and Anya are taking swimming lessons this summer, as they were unable to do so during the school year (only so much this Mama can do).
Anya just caught on to some of the basics this past year, and now she is really enjoying to learn more and to get better at it. She just advanced to Level 4, and she is very proud of her progress.
For Alex, swimming is a challenge: He is quite afraid of the water, hates being splashed, and his delayed motor skills and lacking coordination make swimming a monumental task. I also knew if anyone could teach him how to swim, it would be this particular instructor (she is phenomenal!). Denise has been very patient with him, and he is making progress as well. The best thing is - he's ENJOYING it!! And it's not just the swimming that is a great learning opportunity, it's also all the locker room tasks, and I'm helping him to become a lot more independent with the self-care that's needed before and after swimming. It really is a win-win situation!
Here are a couple of pictures of the two swimmers (yes, I'm on a roll today :-) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

liebi babs.
ig erinnere mi, als wärs geschter gsi, wo mir mit de dazumal no 3 chind id badi si. dr alex het die idee hundsmiserabel gfunde und s wasser z töifscht verachtet...
es berüehrt mi drum sehr die coole bilder vo ihm mit dr toucherbrille z gseh und z läse, dass ihm hüt z wasser freud macht! was für es gschänk!
alles liebe