Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"But Daddy said..."

Where did Nina learn this?
It has happened several times now, that this was Nina's comeback, after Mama didn't allow a certain behavior, or would not let her eat candy before a meal, or other equally profound and life-altering situations :-))
She has such an amazing grip on the english language, she even leaves me speechless!
The funny thing is to see the straight face that goes along with it, even though I can detect a slight twinkle in those little eyes of hers...
And just a few days ago she started talking about her life with her foster parents again. She only shares little tidbits, but they are so precious and special, and I hope that she will share much more of it with us.
I have been gone for a few days, and been VERY busy before that, so that's the reason for the recent silence.
We're here, we're well, and we're off to a birthday party as soon as Nina wakes up from her nap....


Hanna said...

Are somewhere Kids in the world, who don't do that?? jaja, d'Mama hät gseit, ich dörfi!
Schriib doch alles ganz genau uf, was sie verzellt vo de "LoFuBo"! Das sind würkli Perle, wo'd ja nöd dörfsch verlüüre!
liebi Grüess

Buffi Young said...

Wow! That's great that you get those glimpses. If Sadie says anything about her foster parents...I can't discipher it. Sometimes she says things that I really don't understand...but I wonder if it is something about her being in China. She doesn't complete it when I ask her about it. We'll see. Maybe with time she will!! :) Great to have you back blogging!!
p.s. Congrats on Two Pound Tuesday!!! Great job!!!

The Ferrill's said...

How precious that Nina is sharing more about her life in China!
And I think certain things are just in-grained in our children, like for instance, where do they learn to put Bugles chips on their fingers and pretend to be bears with really long, sharp claws? ;) Quan LOVES to do this with Bugles!

Musings from Kim K. said...

I missed your blog entries. I've been checking every day (you and Buffi are the first things I track each morning before work).

Have a super week and keep on writing!!

Kim K.

Linda said...

I'm glad you're back!