Saturday, July 26, 2008

Summer vacation!

Here is my first ever video - it took me quite a while to get it done (haven't done much of anything else while at it, either *ha*), and I know it will be such a fun memory for all of us!
Now, of course I did not include all the unpleasant details, like Anya eating too many Smores (they did not look pretty a few hours later), or me wiping out on the forest floor when I tripped over a tent string (I'm still sore!). We've learned many valuable tent-camping lessons (we're pretty new at this!), and we're looking forward to next time!

(Wow, Youtube really downgraded the quality of it, but oh well!)


Musings from Kim K. said...

Emma and I thoroughly enjoyed your Momma Production video. Spectacular job, Barb. You should be proud. The music selections were perfect for the pictures. It looks like a wonderful trip. I would love to see the out-takes video sometime (hee hee).

All our love.

Buffi Young said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVE this wonderful. I'm with Nina "darn mosquitos!!!" You guys are so adventerous. We should try camping sometime. It looks like yall had a great time...OH...and you did a terrific job on your video. I'm challenged by you and Laine and The Masons. I LOVE these youtube videos. I really need to try and do one...or get MARK to do one! ;-) Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Babs
I think Mama studios are very good ones =)
Hats off! Eventually it`s in the genes by the Keller family... =) It lookes like you had a blast out there!
I`ll go camping, too, next week with family Marti and my sister. but we have a camper so it`s more comfortable and on the campground there are sanitary arrangements...
I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Blessings, Nadi

Linda said...

I love your video - you really did a great job. The Big Horns are one of my favorite places - they are just so incredibly beautiful! We took the boys tent camping when they were younger, but I don't think I was as good of a sport as you are. I must be prissy because I can't stand to be dirty, and I hate mosquitos and ticks!! The boys always remembered those trips fondly, however, so I am proud of myself for making it work!

BTW, you asked about swim lessions for Miss Joanna... I passed on them this year because she is so cold-natured, and most of our mornings (which is the only time the lessons are offered) are fairly cool. I am hoping that by next summer she will stay in the water regardless of the temperature and tough it out a little better.

Hanna said...

Voll de Hammer, din Film! All the pictures of the flowers (like Grossvati) or the video "family is always eating" - looks like a wonderful family trip in the swiss mountains and lakes.
Thanks! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

hey ihr liebe!!
mega kuhle film gsed so us als händers mega läss gha =)
vermisse eu und hoffentli bis blad
bige anja

The Ferrill's said...

Way to go, tent campin' momma! ;)
I will have to check back later to see the video. I'm not on my computer and this one blocks you tube. Go figure.
I have enjoyed catching up on all your fun posts. The kids taking pics of cars going by had me in stitches!
And I have to confess...I snickered when I pictured you tripping over a tent string...been there done that plenty of times!! And now that I snickered at you doing it, I'm sure that will be the first thing I do when we tent camp next time!

Tami said...

Oh Barb, that was wonderful! What a special keepsake for you all to look back on and remember the special time you had together. The photos were great, the music was perfect, and I loved the credits at the end! Hope to see more from "Mama Studios";-)!