Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Singer

Nico participated in a choir camp for the last couple of weeks. He is always singing, so we thought he might enjoy that. And he did, for the most part (not enough boys there for his liking!)

We let him ride his bike to the camp at the High School and back, and he really enjoyed that. He did a great job getting ready in the morning, making sure he had enough time to get there and lock up his bike. This is the first time I've let him do that, and I think he will be ready to ride his bike to school if he wants to. It's only about 1 mile to the High school (but then I'm a horrible guesser), and about another 7 blocks to his Elementary school.

They had a concert today, and it was very nice. I really liked the songs they learned (all Broadway songs), and it looked like they had fun. Performing is NOT Nico's favorite thing (too much like his Mama, introverted and all), so this was quite a stretch, and I'm very proud of him!

I took these pictures with my new camera (duh :-) ), and the amazing thing is that I did not use a flash! I also took all of them from my seat in a good sized auditorium, so the zoom on the camera is awesome! About half the pictures ended up blurry, but I was still pretty impressed how well the others turned out!


Musings from Kim K. said...

Good job, Nico. At his age, I wouldn't have been nearly as brave to participate in this activity (especially during the summer). You must be so proud. Great pictures. Looks like you are loving your new camera. Keep the pics coming!!

Sherri said...

Nico is so cute! Did he feel comfortable riding his bike to the camp? I bet when he rides to school, you'll be following along behind him at first just to make sure he is okay. That's what I did.

You know, lots of times performers are really introverts. Maybe one of these days he'll be up there front and center!


Buffi Young said...

First of all...AWESOME PICS!!! Your camera is great!!! And I have to say..."YOU GO NICO!!!" Performing ARts is my first love, and being that my mom is a choral director in our city schools...I TOTALLY think it is important that children are exposed to these things!! When I was younger...I was VERY inhibited and shy. My mom put me on the stage and it did WONDERS for me!! So, I think it will be fantastic for Nico...and the more that he can do the better!!! It will also help him in the future maybe in church work...youth ministry/dramas etc!! GREAT thing!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Have a wonderful week!