Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Alex!

Look who turned SEVEN today!
Alex has been patiently waiting for this day - HIS day!
He is such a happy and cheerful little boy.
He is my littlest hero, because he is overcoming more than most of us have to.
You may not be familiar with Alex's journey, but it has not been an easy one for him, as he struggled with illnesses and ultimately disabilities from the get-go. And still does.
And he is conquering his special world with his head held high.
Yes, he gets frustrated with his limitations, but a lot less than I would.
Yes, parenting him requires a lot of patience. A lot (that's where GRACE comes in).
I had to learn that "his spirit is whole, his body is only temporary" (from the poem "When God says 'No')
We have met wonderful people who have come alongside us to help him grow - teachers, therapists, family and friends...
And now he is seven, and we would never in our wildest dreams have expected him to come as far as he has.
The "funny" ( read: divine intervention!) thing is that it was his disabilities that opened our hearts to adopting our Special needs daughter. It just amazes me how God takes things that are hard to understand, and that don't make sense, and turns them around to use them for his glory!
What a tender God we have!
This was our first Easter with Alex, he was about three months old at that time

This scenario was to become quite familiar to us. This was his second hospitalization already at only 6 weeks old (not counting his birth), this particular time was because of RSV with croup.
Now on to his birthday pictures....
He was sooo happy this morning!
And, although blurry, it shows Miss Cranky pants's unhappiness over someone else having a birthday :-)))))
Alex's wished for Sheriff cake! (Who came up with a 7 pointed star, if I may ask?? I had to borrow Nico's calipers to draw one ;-)

And his very, very favorite thing to do: Playing Wii. Just a few weeks ago, we had to come up with a ticket plan to control all the "E-consumption" at our house. So, for his birthday, he got 7 extra tickets to use. I think that was his favorite present! :-))
Even Midnight, our kitty, wanted to be part of the celebration, but she stayed in a safe place :-) This picture is especially for Big'e Anja :-))))))

1/18 And I just HAVE to add this: 
Alex brought home his report card today, and it brings tears to my eyes just like every other time. Today's comment from his teacher read: "Alex is reading at grade level at this time! I am so proud of him! Alex works very hard at school, and I know that you practice a lot at home, as well. All of that hard work has paid off! Alex has also shown great improvement in following school rules, both in class and at lunch and recess. Way to go, Alex! Keep up the great work!"

(And this is the report on a boy who was unable to say "Mama" until he was almost 4 years old!!)
With our 2 older ones, report cards were (and still are) just a pleasant formality. They both have been blessed with smart little brains. However, to see Alex progress through the school year, usually starting at the low point and gradually achieving the grade goals, is so much more meaningful. Through frustration, tears, setbacks and hard work we see him succeed. May God continue to pour his blessings on this little guy!


Musings from Kim K. said...

Your birthday cakes are just the best!!! In a few weeks, my Mother and I are atttempting a winter polar bear themed-cake (based on the snowman cake that you created earlier) for my nephew's 6bday. What a beautiful tribute and reflection to Alex. I even love the pout on Nina's lips. Too cute.

Have a great weekend, Barb.
PS. We got even more updates on Josie today. Woo hoo. No LOA, but I'll take whatever I can get.

Kim K.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Alex!
What a wonderful cake! I wish I could have a piece, it looks so yummy. :o)
Have a nice day!

Yvonne & the girls

Anonymous said...

wow that cake looks great. i am deeply impressed my kids would be jealous if i would show them...but i won`t ;-)
happy 7. birthday alex
p.s. i am jealous too cause i want the Wii!!!!;-)
have a great day

Hanna said...

Happy birthday alex! Babs, why don't you create a book about birthday cakes? Ich würde es sofort kaufen!
Ich freue mich so, dass er in der Schule so toll mitkommt. Danke Jesus!

Das Gesicht von Nina erinnert mich an ähnliche Situationen in einer Familie vor ca 30 / 35 Jahren. Gab es da nicht auch solche beleidigte Kinder, wenn ein anderes Geburtstag hatte???
Nun dauert es ja nicht mehr soooo lange, bis sie ihren grossen TAg hat. Ausserdem hat sie ja ZWEI Geburtstage: den im Februar und dann der 2. oder 3. Juli!! Machst Du ihr dann einen Mariechäferli-Kuchen???
liebe Grüsse, wünsche Euch ein tolles Wochenende!

Sherri said...

Congratulations Alex on reading at grade level!!!!!!!!!! That's fantastic!

I used to be a special ed teacher, Barb. I rejoice with you in his accomplishment. I'm sure Alex has developed a work ethic that many of his peers have not even begun to develop.

What a wonderful day! And that cake, wow!


Brandee said...

Alex! I am so proud of you mister! thanks for having us over for your party! it was wonderful!
Brandee and co.

Linda said...

This is one of my favorite posts, Barb. Your words mean a lot to me, and, yes, it is often the very difficult things that God brings into our lives that prove to have great benefits. We would never ask to have bad things come our way, but once they appear, it is our choice whether to honor God through them or become bitter. I'm so glad you have honored God - you are a special person in my book!

Sonya said...

LOVE this post!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX (a little late)


Buffi Young said...

Happy Birthday Alex!!! What a wonderful birthday you had!! Congrats on the fantastic report card too!!! That is wonderful!!

We LOVE our Wii. It is So much fun for the kids. Mark and I like it too. It's pretty good exercise...especially boxing! I had a video of Sadie playing the Wii to post on our blog...but it was too dark to put it on. It's a great game for some good family time!!! Thanks for the great post! I second everyone on your awesome cake!!! You ALWAYS do such a wonderful job!!! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Love the pouty picture of Nina. That is the same sort of look we saw on Susu's face when it was Isaiah's birthday last week. We have a black cat too and his name is Shadow. It was great to hear how Alex helped open your heart to adopting a child with special needs.
: ) Amy

The Ferrill's said...

Barb, what a special mommy you are and what a special family you have! Your children are so blessed!
Way to go Alex!!!!!!!!