Saturday, September 27, 2008

There's no place like home...

This was a grueling trip...
I really can't complain, and the kids were as good as they could possibly be, but it's long, long, long!! The overseas portion was a good 10 hours, and no one slept. Then we had a 5+ hours layover, and that was tough, but I made the kids lay down, and they slept for most of that. I spent those hours working on a fun little project that I'll share later (wink to Big'e Anja - yep, it's coming, girlfriend!!). Of course the last flight, which was only a little over one hour, seemed to drag on FOREVER, and after having been awake for 24 hours, I deliriously dozed for part of it. Well, I had some EXCITED kids at the airport!!!
Now, I have to brag about my sweet and thoughtful big girl (and after all, she is only 9!!). She had a little welcome present for all three of us, a welcome at home, and she already had milk poured for Elia and Nina, so when we got home, she popped their cups in the microwave, and had their drinks ready to go. How sweet is that!!
We all slept quite well, and so far this morning we've been digging through suitcases, feasting on Chocolate (who needs breakfast, anyway!!)
It's good to be home...


Hanna said...

Oh nei, das isch ja megahärt, wänn die nüüüüüüt schlafed! Aber ich chami guet bsinne, wie todkabutt ich gsi bin vor eme Jahr. Zum Glück isch s'eigene Bett nöd wit gsi und ich hoffe, Du chasch na ziemli schlafe und usruebe am Wuchenänd. Muesch d'Anya fescht chnuddle vo mir, sie isch sone Gueti! Es isch schön gsi, öi bi öis z'ha, leider nur ebe viel z'churz!
Händ es schöns Wuchenänd, enjoy your whole family!
liebi Grüess vo Oberlunki

Musings from Kim K. said...

We're glad to read that you made it home safe and sound. I have no desire to get on a plane anytime soon with Josie. Once was enough. God bless you doing with two little ones. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures once you've had a chance to settle back into your routine.

Sherri said...

Welcome home!

I know it's good to be back, but at the same time it's hard being so far away from family.

I LOVED the piglet video!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!
Good you had a safe trip, your kids looking really tired...esp. the first pic of Nina, how bored she looks! lol
And how sweet is their sister Anya, aaaawww!! Bless her.


Tami said...

Glad you're home!