Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Welcome to the family, Terry and Toby!

If you are looking for a GREAT science project with your kids, then grow some TRIOPS!
What in all the world ARE triops, you may wonder....

Well, here is what I have learned on this site:

Triops are crustaceans that look like miniature horseshoe crabs. Larger members of the crustacean family include crabs and lobsters. Smaller members are brine shrimp, fairy shrimp, and Daphnia. Triops have a relatively short lifespan of 20 to 90 days and grow quickly to their adult length of one to three inches. How large they grow depends on the amount of light and food they receive. After hatching, they often double in size daily!The bright colors of the Triops are due to hemoglobin in the blood and a dark blue-green pigment in the connective tissue. They are called branchiopods (gill foot) because they obtain oxygen from the water through their feet. The young quickly move through several larval stages, molting their exoskeletons each time. Adults can complete their life cycle in less than 30 days. Triops are usually in constant motion and have entertaining feeding and breathing patterns that include amazing acrobatics and upside-down swimming. While swimming on their backs, Triops are able to sweep food into their mouth by using their many legs.

We tried to "raise" triops before, and out of all the eggs, one hatched. He did fine until - well, I decided I was going to change his water MY way.

The next morning came - no more triop. Bad Mama!

I promised them another kit. We were able to buy them at the Hobby Lobby (LOOOOOVE that place!) for under $4. Well, today, the proud little Mom's and Dad's are happy to announce the arrival of Terry and Toby - we're hoping that there will be more by the morning, as we have some girl's names in store yet ;-))

Let me tell you - these little creatures are perfect little pets for several reasons:

  1. They only live a few weeks.
  2. You can literally watch them grow. Tonight they are tiny little specks (1/8 of an inch at the most), and they double in size for the first few days. Really cool!
  3. The kit has all the food included. And VERY detailed instruction, that need to be followed *ha*.
  4. All you need is Spring water and a lamp and a bowl. Very easy!

Of course I will keep you updated on Terry and Toby's progress :-))))


Hanna said...

Komischi Viecher - wie heissed die uf Dütsch???
Mir gönd is Credo und freued öis mega druf. Händ schöni Oschtere - liebi Grüess

Anonymous said...

Hehe das si würkläch luschtigi Dinger. =) Schöni Oschtärä, happy Easter.
Gruäss us däm chum bekanntä chlinä Dörfli ds Bärn =)

Sherri said...


We were just talking about triops last night! My 20, 18, and 17 year old kids had their girlfriends/boyfriends over for dinner and that was one of the topics of conversations! Apparently, allowing them to have triops made quite an impression on them.

I love how our lives are so similar....except that I lived it all 10 years ago and you're going through it now!


Julie said...

How scary. So glad Miss Nina is ok. Thanks for your sweet comments on Rowan's blog. I hope Nina's reunion with her friend goes well. She may be old enough to voice what she is feeling and I would love to hear her perspective. Happy Easter!

Buffi Young said...

How cool!! That's MY kind of pet!!! I'll have to check those things out for my kiddos!!! how neat! Thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

Dänn hoffe ich mal du wächslisch sWasser dasmal ned, dass de Terry2 chli länger läbt;-)
Wünsche euch ganz schöni Oschtere und Gottes Säge!!!
Vermisse euch ganz fescht
Big Anja

Sonya said...

OK that sounds like a great pet!!!
You are a smart mommy!


Tami said...

Hi Barb,

These look so cool! They have my boy's names written all over it;-). We had two gerbils join our family a few weeks ago, so I'm at my limit for pets right now, but will definitely keep these little guys in mind for a later date. Maybe over the summer vacation.... I'll be interested to watch yours grow;-).

BTW, thanks so much for your kind comments and most of all prayers. We really appreciate it.