Sunday, March 30, 2008

Her comes the pet-shop princess!

I finally have some new pictures of Miss Nina! She is quite a Diva, isn't she??

For her birthday, she received a couple of duplicate gifts that I was able to exchange for some new dress-up accessories - the pink princess cape (or would you call it a royal robe instead of a cape??? Hmmmm, that DOES sound more girly...) and her sparkly slippers.
She put it all on this morning, and of course looked absolutely adorable!

She was not too excited about posing for a few flicks, as all the little petshop toys were calling her name, waiting to be played with.

She got a bit frustrated with her little charges :-)), as you can see in the video below....

And then, of course, big brother could not resist teasing little sister *sigh*. They love to get a rise out of her, because she WILL, every time. Now the video ends on a dramatic note, but take my word for it, the tears of frustration lasted about as long as it took me to turn off the camera. No child was harmed in the making of this movie.... :-))

Just a quick note regarding my camera, that Tami asked about - I have a very simple point-and-shoot digital camera (Nikon coolpix 5600), that is so so so slow when I use the flash, but I usually have a few pictures that turn out okay. I see a Canon Rebel in my future, but not in my immediate future :-))


Buffi Young said...

Well..I can see from the video of Nina and Nico that Sadie and Nina are a lot alike. Sadie would have bursted into tears too!!! Such CUTE pictures. We've both got a couple of girly girls...don't we? Nina looks PRECIOUS!!!! I LOVE the pictues of soccer too!! Nina looks like she had a great time!! Sadie just didn't understand why she couldn't play. We keep assuring her that NEXT year...she can play!! Thanks for the great post!! I LOVE catching up with you guys!! Looks like you had a great week!!! Buffi

Hanna said...

Oh that big brothers.Is he the cousin of my 10 years old boy???? Es sieht genau so aus wie bei Rico und Kaya: ziggle bis sie heult, und dann ist Mama so grässlich parteiisch, dass sie IMMER Kaya hilft! die Mama ist soooo unfair.

Tami said...

Nico seems quite sweet....once Nina really started to get upset, you could see he was concerned- good big brother!

Thanks for the info on the camera.....I too would love a Canon Rebel, just wish it wasn't so much $$$$.


Linda said...

Oh - I can see that you have a "Nathan" in your household too! That boy knows all the buttons to push and what annoying thing will most irritate each sister. I think I'll pass on doing a video ov him, however, as these scenes are PERMANENTLY etched in my memory - lol!

Linda said...

Oops! Did I really type "ov"? Shows me that I need to slow down and proofread my messages!

Julie said...

Oh she is the most beautiful princess. I can't wait for dress up dates with Miss Rowan. Sounds like you guys are, swimming, skiing, oh my!