Sunday, March 16, 2008

That was scary...

I'm not an over-cautious parent (except when it comes to water, THAT freaks me out!). And I have done things with my kids that in retrospect I would not do again. If your baby puts rocks in his mouth, give him one big enough to gnaw on, so he won't choke on it (right, Andi??? LOL - that was an inside joke, in case you're wondering).  I dislike all the warning signs on every product I buy, because I KNOW that if I climb on a ladder, there is a chance I might fall off.... no need to tell me :-)))
BUT - nothing really, really bad has ever happened to any of our kids - except for Elia's bleacher and skull fracture incident, but even that turned out okay, as super scary it was at that time.
I believe wholeheartedly that the Lord watches out over my kiddos, and so much of parenting is trusting...
The following incident though made even MY alarm go off....
Nina has this cute shirt, actually a hand-me-down from big sister Anya. 
Now Nina is notorious with strings.... she loves to untie, tie, make lots and lots of knots in everything she can get her hands on.
When its time for her nap, she gets quite industrious before she actually goes to sleep. So the other day, she untied the string of this shirt, got it out of all the little loopholes, and had it TIED IN SEVERAL KNOTS AROUND HER NECK!! I about freaked out when I found her that way after her nap. How scary. Not to imagine what would have happened if she had tightened it too much. Needless to say, she got a very stern talking from her Mama, and she cried, thinking that she was in trouble. I assured her that I was not mad at all, but that this was VERY dangerous, and that she should NOT tie things around her neck. EVER!
So, my point is.... thank the Lord for keeping our children safe, but WATCH THOSE STRINGS!!


Anonymous said...

Oh no! What a shock!
I am happy that Nina is alright and nothing happened!
Big hug to both of you...


Buffi Young said...

Wow...thanks for the heads up on that!! I would have NEVER thought that could happen!! I bet you FREAKED when you walked in to see her like that!! Praise God that she is ok...and that nothing happened!! :) Hope you guys have a great Spring Break. (This week is Spring Break for you guys...right?) Ours is too!! I am SO praying we can sleep in some of the days!! Have a great one!!!
Love ya,

Hanna said...

Sone Tschädere! Gott sei Dank isch nüüt schlimms passiert!3
De Joel isch es Schlitzohr und schrii3bt mir ständig zwüschedine3 und findets megacool und gig63gelet wie verruckt5. Die Zahle sind also2 Grüess vo ihm!
liebi Grüess

Sherri said...

No more string-y shirts for Nina!

You make me laugh...."except for Elia's bleacher incident and skull fracture....."

Not that I was laughing at the incident, but that you so casually mentioned it. You sound like me.

I'm so glad she's okay. I hate to think of what could have happened.


Anonymous said...

Oh what a shock, but thanks to god that nothing worse had happend! Have a nice week and easter

Linda said...

My girls were really obsessed with strings - they used them for dog collars, necklaces, etc. I think I finally broke them of that, only to catch them putting plastic Wal-mart bags over their heads. That one freaks me out! AGH!

The Ferrill's said...

Oh thank you for the heads up! I'll have to remember that when Quan wants to sleep in his Superman cape!
Yall have been busy, busy busy! I'm catching up on your family...can't wait to see that first soccer pic of Nina! She's such a doll, as all your children are!
Oh and I love your 7 things. My dad went to Switzerland and brought us all back Toblerones. You're right. The chocolate over there is the BEST! Even the chocolate in England is good I think!
I will have to try the bread soaked in hot chocolate. I love cornbread soaked in cold milk...yummy!
I love your blog posts, Barb! VERY entertaining and interesting!