Monday, March 24, 2008

We have had so much fun with this....

Nina's friend Susu's Mom Amy (go that??) sent me this link a few days ago, and it has been an instant hit at our house.
It's so funny because Anya LOVES the original song by Carrie Underwood (Jesus take the wheel)....
So, without further to do - here is "Cletus take the Reel"....

Once we watched this video about 20 times, we ventured intoTim Hawkin's other clips, and they are equally funny!
Here are a couple of our favorites:

Another one is very funny, too, it's called "Tim Hawkins on church", but out of respect for the religious groups mentioned in the first part, I won't directly link it. The second part of it, though, is HILARIOUS!


Shari U said...

I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm a fellow Loudi mom. My little girl (Lou YaChuan) was adopted in Nov 2003 at 10 months of age. She is currently 5. I stumbled across your blog a week or so ago. I haven't had time yet to really read your story, but it's always wonderful to see another beautiful Loudi girl. You have a busy little family there, don't you!! I'll look forward to reading more.

The Ferrill's said...

Oh Barb, I cannot WAIT to show these videos to Rob! Hysterical!
Okay, now I must comment on all the posts I've missed:
Easter: FUN FUN FUN! I love your traditions and bunny bread! We did those Resurrection cookies one year and they are really really neat. I love the commentary with pictures! Your posts are always so GREAT!
The marbled eggs are pretty, even if they were a pain! I bet this will be one thing your children will remember! ;)
I'm jealous of the skiing! But NOT jealous of the critters...although I will check into it as science is not my strong point as a teacher!
It was GREAT to catch up with your fun family!
Love you!

Sherri said...

We thought these were so funny! Phil got a GPS for Christmas, so we loved the one about the GPS. And by the way, he could use a "marriage GPS" !


Tami said...

Thanks Barb for the good laugh......pretty funny!