Sunday, November 25, 2007

A day trip to the "Smiley Faces"

A year and a half ago, we spent another summer vacation in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. We like a campground we go to every year, and it's right below Mount Rushmore. It was then that Elia named Mount Rushmore "the smiley faces", and he was SO excited to see them again today. It was kind of like seeing old friends, and Anya remembered her not being able to say all the names of the Presidents represented, so she came up with Washerman, Teddybear, Lincoln and Cleverbell.
We wanted to show "Big Anja" this beautiful place, and today was just the perfect day to go. It was quite cool, but the sun still had some warmth left, and we had a great afternoon.

This is the entrance to the Monument

And a different angle of the same area. It was fun to play hide and seek by all these columns!

And here they are! Mr. Borglum sure had a vision, and the interesting part is, that all his children worked on it as well!

Here are our four presidents;-) (poor Nina can't do any climbing!)
They are having fun
So did "Big Anja"
It was a close call - Nico and Anya almost fell over the wall !
Allright, I was just kidding above, but it looks real, doesn't it!
My proud Wyoming girl
Nina and the two Anya's hanging out before we left Mount Rushmore


Hanna said...

Hallo ihr Lieben
bin schon echli eifersüchtig. Es sind so wunderschöne Fotos, die Luft ist so klar. Und übrigens @Anja: Kaya's Kopf ist fast so gross wie Anya's.... die Kappen sind einfach megacool!
Händs guet! Wir waren am Samstag Kerzenziehen in Mettmi - das war auch ganz lässig, und wir haben viele liebe Leute getroffen (+Viehschau - hahaha).
kalte CH-Grüsse

Musings from Kim K. said...

Beautiful pictures, Barb. Have a great week with your kiddos.
Kim K.

The Ferrill's said...

Thanks for allowing us to "virtually" go see the smiley faces with you all! What a field trip! I can't imagine waking up one morning and saying to the kiddos "Ya know, I think we'll go on a field trip to MOUNT RUSHMORE today!" Wow! That is amazing!

Linda said...

This is one of my favorite places too, but we have only gone in the summer. I'll bet it's beautiful at this time of the year! Thanks for sharing.

Kami - Shober Photography said...

Thank you Babs for having the blog! Through your stories and thoughts, I feel more like part of the little family even though I am not there. I love hearing bits and pieces of the kiddos' experiences from them and then hearing the "real" story here.
BTW, nice camera! ;) The pic of the columns has some great lines giving the pic an interesting composition. I see where Anya gets her photographing skills!
Love Aunt "Kunk"