Saturday, November 10, 2007

Allright, Allright....

I'm NOT 24.
Good guess, Sonya :-)).
In case you are not familiar with "the rules" of China adoption - you HAVE to be at least 30 years old to be eligible to adopt a child from China.
I'm (24-10+5) x 2
Happy now??
I have gray hair. I worked hard for each one of them.
And I FINALLY don't get carded anymore. Finally got them clerks convinced that I'm older than 21! Gosh! Actually, that's not true. I think it was a couple of years ago that I bought the little popper thingies for New Years eve. And the gal at the grocery store asked me if I was old enough to buy fireworks. Well, silly me didn't even know there was an minimum age to that *LOL*. I think there was a compliment SOMEWHERE in there :-)))
Good night, my friends, and thank you for all your good wishes!

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Katie Lin's birthday IS in Feb!!!
She has a COOL date! 02-03-04
