Saturday, November 17, 2007

Musings about National Adoption day...

Wow, my house is so quiet.
Mike and the kids are gone, except for Nina, who intently watches Snowwhite.
I'm supposed to get some work done, but instead I'm in a "Mama-Coma", where I just soak in the quietness and do NOTHING.
Well, except just a tiny bit of bloggin'.
Does that count? Oh, and I have a load of laundry going. Whew, that saves me, huh?!

Today is National Adoption day.
Today, there are millions of children around the world who long for a family. Their family.
Today, God's word is living and active, and commands us to take care of the fatherless.
Today, there are obstacles in our way to follow God's heart in this: Fear, finances, closed eyes, closed hearts, and a lot of confusion about what it means to call a child truly "ours".

Today it is my hope and prayer that Nina's story has touched you in a way that will change your life. Maybe today, maybe in 10 years. Remember, the Lord started to plant this seed in my heart 20 years ago! Please open your heart to the possibility of adoption.
It's so precious to God's heart!
So near.

It's not always easy. But parenting never is. No guarantees, whatsoever. I have to trust that my life is just a tiny little speck on God's map for his creation. I don't see it all now. I probably never will. But it matters. It matters to HIM. And the orphans of this world matter more to him than I can ever comprehend. And he may just want to use YOU to be his loving arms for one of them.

Happy Adoption Day!


Sonya said...


Buffi Young said...

Wow Barb! So perfectly spoken!!! You are an EXCELLENT writer and communicator. Thank you for saying that. Your picture of Nina is awesome too! You've inspired me to get creative too! Thanks for you blog. It blesses me!!

Journey to Lilly! said...

Very nicely spoken! Although adoption has been a blessing to my Lilly, I can truely say she has been an awesome blessing to her forever family!!

Musings from Kim K. said...

I always enjoy your posts. Blessings to your family on Thanksgiving. Have a super week, Barb.

Kim K.

The Ferrill's said...


Linda said...

Great post, Barb - you said it wonderfully. I first became interested and sent off for information around 1992, but it wasn't until late 2003 that we actively pursued adoption. God was working behind the scenes all that time to get us ready.