Saturday, November 24, 2007

A beautiful evening

Wow, what a day! After the last few days that were VERY cold, the weather warmed up considerably. We put up Christmas lights, and while we were still outside, the moon came up and the sun went down. It was beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Yes, it was a beautiful full moon! I have so many times over the years called Uncle Ronnie, Ira and Sarah to "come look at the moon." In October, the Harvest Moon was so beautiful, I had to call Sarah! She had just been talking to her room mate and said "I can't believe Mom hasn't called", just a few minutes later her phone rang, Mom calling. I emailed Ira the other morning telling him to keep a watch out for the moon, it was on its way over to him.

Thanks for the picturs of the moon, I'm sure the kids will remember that night for a long time!

Love you guys, Aunt Jo

Hanna said...

Tja, auch bei uns ist Vollmond, die Kids haben schon lange darauf gewartet, und heute war dann auch so ein Tag, der besser schon nach dem Zmorge fertig gewesen wäre..... Warum brauchen die Mütter bei Vollmond immer soooo viele Nerven! Wahrscheinlich, um nach draussen zu gehen, und die Schönheit von Gottes Mond zu geniessen! Das mache ich jetzt gleich!
liebe Grüsse

Buffi Young said...

What a beautiful moon. The land around your house is so beautiful too!! Must be so nice to have that kind of scenery every day!!

Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I've got to post...we've been SO busy. It's great to read your post today! Have a wonderful week!

The Ferrill's said...

I've never been an out west kind of gal, but you're making me want to be!