Friday, November 30, 2007

Quite a cook!

Look at our busy little girl! She has discovered pretend cooking.
She can cook the same little egg for a L O N G time, and she always finds someone who will eat her creations.

Anya has a lot of playfood, most of it is made out of wood, and the fruit and veggies were very special presents from our Swiss family. Nina really enjoys them now. I know she will LOVE her Christmas presents *hint hint*.
In the video, you can hear Elia giggling in the background - him and Midnight were playing. Also, at the end of the video, Nina is calling for Nico - he was helping her earlier, and she wanted him to help her again.

Also, to update you on her broken leg situation.... she is doing very well with her cast. It took her a while to snap out her "carry me everywhere" mode from the first few days after the fracture happened, and now she scoots and crawls pretty much everywhere she wants to go. She can climb up in her chair, and go up and down the stairs. Of course she is still being carried a lot, but my back gets at least a little bit of a break.

I think this is actually a great time for our bonding, as tiring it often gets. We do a lot more snuggling, and she is so dependent on us, and hopefully learning that we ARE there for her, and she can count on us. Not that I think she particularly struggled with this, but it's great reinforcement.
God always manages to bring the good out of a situation, doesn't he...
He is good, all the time.
Have a great weekend, friends!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

At work with Daddy

I have a little bit of catching up to do again. Pictures from Thanksgiving are yet to come, too :-)
Last week, Nico had a chance to go to work with Mike. He was SO excited about it, and wanted to dress just like Daddy. He got out his one dressy shirt he has, and borrowed a tie from Mike. He had everything laid out the night before and it was sooo hard for him to go to sleep. Mike doesn't usually wear a tie for work, but he decided that he should dress just like his excited son.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A day trip to the "Smiley Faces"

A year and a half ago, we spent another summer vacation in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. We like a campground we go to every year, and it's right below Mount Rushmore. It was then that Elia named Mount Rushmore "the smiley faces", and he was SO excited to see them again today. It was kind of like seeing old friends, and Anya remembered her not being able to say all the names of the Presidents represented, so she came up with Washerman, Teddybear, Lincoln and Cleverbell.
We wanted to show "Big Anja" this beautiful place, and today was just the perfect day to go. It was quite cool, but the sun still had some warmth left, and we had a great afternoon.

This is the entrance to the Monument

And a different angle of the same area. It was fun to play hide and seek by all these columns!

And here they are! Mr. Borglum sure had a vision, and the interesting part is, that all his children worked on it as well!

Here are our four presidents;-) (poor Nina can't do any climbing!)
They are having fun
So did "Big Anja"
It was a close call - Nico and Anya almost fell over the wall !
Allright, I was just kidding above, but it looks real, doesn't it!
My proud Wyoming girl
Nina and the two Anya's hanging out before we left Mount Rushmore

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A beautiful evening

Wow, what a day! After the last few days that were VERY cold, the weather warmed up considerably. We put up Christmas lights, and while we were still outside, the moon came up and the sun went down. It was beautiful!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Musings about National Adoption day...

Wow, my house is so quiet.
Mike and the kids are gone, except for Nina, who intently watches Snowwhite.
I'm supposed to get some work done, but instead I'm in a "Mama-Coma", where I just soak in the quietness and do NOTHING.
Well, except just a tiny bit of bloggin'.
Does that count? Oh, and I have a load of laundry going. Whew, that saves me, huh?!

Today is National Adoption day.
Today, there are millions of children around the world who long for a family. Their family.
Today, God's word is living and active, and commands us to take care of the fatherless.
Today, there are obstacles in our way to follow God's heart in this: Fear, finances, closed eyes, closed hearts, and a lot of confusion about what it means to call a child truly "ours".

Today it is my hope and prayer that Nina's story has touched you in a way that will change your life. Maybe today, maybe in 10 years. Remember, the Lord started to plant this seed in my heart 20 years ago! Please open your heart to the possibility of adoption.
It's so precious to God's heart!
So near.

It's not always easy. But parenting never is. No guarantees, whatsoever. I have to trust that my life is just a tiny little speck on God's map for his creation. I don't see it all now. I probably never will. But it matters. It matters to HIM. And the orphans of this world matter more to him than I can ever comprehend. And he may just want to use YOU to be his loving arms for one of them.

Happy Adoption Day!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

And then the unexpected happened...

Unexpected things have happened at our house....
They are not too pleasant.
Not for little Miss Nina

I'm sure you looked at the pictures and figured out the mistery.
It happened on Monday night. Nina and little cousin Lena were playing, chasing each other, and then Nina fell. No one witnessed it, and she could not describe what happened.
All we could tell was that she would not put any weight on her leg. None.
The following day I debated whether to take her to the doctor. I called, but they could not get her in until Wednesday.
Yesterday, I took her to the pediatrician, and they sent us to the hospital for Xrays, and sure enough..... her right shinbone is broken. It's not a bad break, but a break after all.
This afternoon we were finally able to go to the Orthopedic Clinic and Nina got a beautiful PURPLE cast. Just what she wanted!
I have to tell you, she is one tough little girl. She cried hard intitially (after the fall), but ever since then has been so incredibly brave. Even today when she got the cast on.... there was not one tear! All she did was blink her eyes really, really fast, but that was it.
What is going to happen now? The healing process will take about SIX weeks!!!! She can not walk, and the Mama Taxi will kick into high gear.
I think she kind of likes being "princessed" around, but she also get bored not being able to get around. Just a short while ago she laid on the couch, looking at a book. She then took the book, slammed it down on her new cast and muttered, very disgusted, "I can't walk"....
So, please, send your prayers our way, and I will keep you updated on our patient little patient.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Allright, Allright....

I'm NOT 24.
Good guess, Sonya :-)).
In case you are not familiar with "the rules" of China adoption - you HAVE to be at least 30 years old to be eligible to adopt a child from China.
I'm (24-10+5) x 2
Happy now??
I have gray hair. I worked hard for each one of them.
And I FINALLY don't get carded anymore. Finally got them clerks convinced that I'm older than 21! Gosh! Actually, that's not true. I think it was a couple of years ago that I bought the little popper thingies for New Years eve. And the gal at the grocery store asked me if I was old enough to buy fireworks. Well, silly me didn't even know there was an minimum age to that *LOL*. I think there was a compliment SOMEWHERE in there :-)))
Good night, my friends, and thank you for all your good wishes!

Friday, November 9, 2007


Here are a few family pictures from tonight.
Yeah, yeah, it was my 24th birthday... gosh it's great to be so young! Gotta love it!
La, La, La....
Yep, totally fibbing about my age, but wanted to share the pictures anyway ;-))
I for once did not have to bake my own cake (which I don't mind doing, but it was nice not having to), since "Bigg'e Anja" (my second cousin and angel in disguise) made us this outrageously delicious raspberry-cream-yoghurt filled cake. Yummy!

"Survivor Wyoming"

I have a feeling I won't hear much complaining about school anymore.
Not after today.
We had "Survivor Wyoming" in our frontyard - and it was a blast.
This is how it came about:
Last week, the kids had just gotten off the school bus, there was a lot of complaining about school. Oh, and how much they didn't like going, and on and on...
Well, they got my little speech about how thankful they should be for the opportunities they have, and about how many kids in this world would LOVE to go to school, but will never have the chance to do so.
Then came the inspriational word from my sweet daughter: "I wish I could trade with one of those kids"
Bling, Bling, Bling....
A lightbulb went off in my head, and an idea was born.
"Well," I replied, "we could do just THAT! Let's have a third world day next week when you're out of school for conferences!"
You should have seen the fear factor look on their little faces.
For about a week now they have been DREADING this day, and tried their hardest to talk me out of it. They were pretty clever about it too, and argued that it was my birthday, and that would not be a good day for ME :-))
Well, no such luck for the crew.
Today, there was no TV, computers, running water (I made an exception with the bathroom), candy or any other amenity. Look for yourself....
Breakfast is cooking! We had plain rice (no seasonings!) that we cooked on the camping stove outside. Elia is stirring with a wooden stick.

While the rice is simmering, Anya has to sweep.The boys, Nina and I go fetch water
Nico is filling the pots and buckets with water (we walked down the block to Grandma and Grandpa's new house)
And here we are, eating rice and apples... (Anja, Nico, Elia)
After breakfast, the girls did the dishes.
Meanwhile, the boys had to go dig a hole to dispose of the garbage from breakfast
Playtime. Sticks are the best!

Alex and Nina played with the wagon
But there was more work ahead. Time to grind flour so we could bake bread!
This was harder than we thought
But the results were pretty good!
The two bakers
After we had the bread dough ready, we rode our bikes to Grandma and Grandpa's shop. Since it is outside of the city limits, we were able to have a fire there and bake our bread for lunch.

Deosn't this look yummy?
It was very good, too! I admit, we begged Grandma for some honey to sweeten things up a bit

After an extended lunch hour, Grandpa took us rabbit hunting. Anya really wanted to learn how to gut a rabbit. We were contemplating fixing rabbit stew for dinner.
Nico with his new pellet gun (oh, how I cringe at this sight)
No rabbits in sight - yet
still nothing, but the scenery was nice...

Well, no rabbit was to be found, so we accepted the invitation for Pizza ;-))).

Needless to say, the kids had a blast. I think they realized that things can be fun even if not everything "modern" is at their fingertips.

Will they like school better now? That remains to be seen, but as far as I know this has been a very memorable birthday!