Thursday, May 10, 2007

Did you hear it?

I had my last Hepatitis B shot today.
You have to understand that Hepatitis B vaccination is not an easy thing for me. I had an allergic reaction to my first shot many years ago, and never finished the series. At this point in our adoption and with travel coming up, I wanted to try to get re-vaccinated. Our employee health nurse was willing to give it a shot (literally!), and with the proper precautions I did okay with the one I had in January (if you call sheer panic and nervousness okay *sigh*). Today was my last one, and I was just as nervous as before, maybe even more so.
But, I'm here, I did okay, thank God, and you may have heard the boulder come off my chest.
I certainly feel a LOT lighter today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aha, darum haben wir heute so starke Stürme in der Schweiz, dies ist sicher wegen der Druckwelle, die dieses Steingepolter ausgelöst hat!
liebe Grüsse