Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our LOA is here!!!!

Wow, what a day!
We received an email from our agency today, stating that our "Letter of Acceptance" had arrived from China. Of course I was hoping that we would get this important piece of paper very soon, but prepared myself to having to wait until at LEAST until the end of May. And here it is! God is so good, and this process has been so smooth and quick!
We will receive it tomorrow, sign it and send it back to the agency right away. After the CCAA in China receives it, they will issue our Travel approval (TA). This has typically happened about a month after the LOA. This all means that there is a good chance we will be leaving for China in appproximately 6 weeks! How amazing is that!!!!
I can't believe we will have Nina home in 2 months!! It SO warms my heart to think about it! We're READY (well, maybe not logistically, but in our hearts!)


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