Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One dollar, seventy-seven cents...

While I'm on a roll, I might as well tell you that I can go fill up our car again all the way, and not just half way because I can't get myself to spend $75 at the pump!!
This is amazingly crazy!!
I know gas here is always pretty low compared to most of the nation, but right now, I'm just relieved....

11/12 2pm: $1.75

11/13 8pm: $1.69
11/15 6pm: $1.65
11/19 12pm: $1.63


Musings from Kim K. said...

That's incredible. We've been doing the "snoopy dance of joy" for our gas which is at $1.96 right now.

Buffi Young said...

WHOO HOO!!! Hope we can get that low!! We're still just above $2.00 I really look forward to the below $2 days!!!!

Linda said...

I am so jealous! Our gas is still averaging around $2.13, but Bob found one Greeley station for $199.9 a few days ago. Of course, when the new administration begins, they plan to rescend the off-shore drilling orders. (I think I better keep my gas budget set high.) ~sigh.

Tami said...

Good for you....we're still at 2.05here.