Friday, May 30, 2008

"Lamest Blogger" award....

Well, if there is such a thing, I know I have EARNED that one!!
I'm really sorry about my lame blogging habits lately.
I will try to do some catching up over the weekend.
It's not like I don't have some cute pictures to show you, and it's not like our kittens are absolutely ADORABLE and funny.....
Please forgive me....


Musings from Kim K. said...

Glad to have you back. I've missed your blog and can't wait to see new pictures and catch up on the latest happenings.

Kim K.

Buffi Young said...

OH BARB!! I've missed you SO much!! Glad to see you're back. I look forward to hearing about all you've been up to!! Have a great weekend!
Welcome back!

Sonya said...

Been missin you girly!