Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas

I finally got our family Christmas letter out today, and this is the picture we included. It is from the photoshoot that Kami did for us for our Dossier. The kids are Elia and Anya on the left, and Nico and Alex on the right.


Brandee said...

hey shalom shobers! jon and i finally figured out where your picture was taken. it has such a great color background! hope you are having a great time in Switzerland.

Merry Christmas, and we can't wait to celebrate one with the 'China sister'. :)

Anonymous said...

So eine schöne Familie!! Wir haben Euch alle uuuu - gärn, und wünschen Euch eine gute Vorbereitungszeit für die Adoption.
Wir sind gespannt auf die kleine Cousine!
Hanna aus der Schweiz mit Famlie